SUP dudes?! I’m Gili and I’m turtley amped to shred some waves in this year’s Tour de Turtles! But while I’m out there charging the surf, I need your help to raise awareness about an important issue and keep an eye out for any speeding boats. According to STC, boat strikes have tripled in Florida since the 1980s. Turtles like me can be hit by boats when we come to the surface to breathe or when feeding or mating in shallow areas. I’ve seen some gnarly boat strike injuries in my days. That’s why with the help of my sponsors at GILI Sports, I plan to educate as many people as I can about safe boating practices and the dangers of boat strikes. Hope you’ll all cheer me on during the race this year. See you on the water! Hang loose!
I was named by my Sponsor, Gili Sports. Check out my marathon migration map, where you can follow along as I swim to raise awareness about the threat of Boat Strikes to sea turtles. Please help me raise awareness about my cause by supporting me!
Learn more about loggerhead sea turtles.
