Saving Sea Turtles is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

Resources For Teachers

This section contains educational materials and data covering topics in Biology, Conservation, Geography, Earth Science & Mathematics that can be used with Tour de Turtles.

Register to download the Sea Turtle Migration-Tracking Educator’s Guide & Lesson Modules (Registration is through the Sea Turtle Conservancy website.)

STC’s Special Classroom Adopt-A-Turtle Offer

Specifically For Elementary School

A Brief Unit on Sea Turtles (PDF) Grades 2 & 3. Developed by Cathy Payne

Plotting and Prediction: Track Sea Turtles and Predict Their Routes (PDF) for Grade 5 (Easily adapted for Middle and High School). Developed by Cathy Payne

Cause and Effect – Human Impact on Sea Turtle Populations: Plastic Bags (PDF) for Grades 5-8. Developed by Cathy Payne

Specifically For Middle and High School

Tour de Turtles: It’s a Race for Survival! (PDF) for Grades 6 – 8. Developed by Gayle Evans
Download the Race for Survival PowerPoint Presentation

Cause and Effect – Human Impact on Sea Turtle Populations: Plastic Bags (PDF) for Grades 6-12. Developed by Gayle Evans.

Tides of Change… (PDF) for Grades 10 – 12 (Can be adapted for upper Elementary and Middle School). Developed by Gayle Evans.

Additional Resources

Sea Turtle Introduction Animation (Video hosted on YouTube)

Sea Turtle Anatomy/Adaptations Animation (Video hosted on YouTube)

Coordinate Graphing Activity (PDF) Developed by Debra McGinn

List of activities, by subject, based on satellite tracking sea turtles