Surf’s up dudes and dudettes! The name’s Seamore! I just returned from the most epic surfing trip and was turtley stoked when my pals at NaVetor called me on my shell-phone and asked me to join the Tour de Turtles. Not only am I determined to bring home the gold medal, I also want to raise awareness about a gnarly problem that sea turtles face… Poor water quality is a major threat to sea turtles like myself and other ocean creatures. Even if it isn’t direct pollution, harmful toxins like fertilizer and pesticides are sneakily making their way towards the ocean and can enter our food supply. Totally not tubular. Luckily, I’ve teamed up with my sponsors at NaVetor who are going to help me spread the word about the importance of keeping our waterways clean. Hope you’ll all cheer me on during the race this year. Catch ya on the flip side!
I was named by my Sponsor, NaVetor. Check out my marathon migration map, where you can follow along as I swim to raise awareness about the threat of Water Quality to sea turtles. Please help me raise awareness about my cause by supporting me!
Learn more about leatherback sea turtles.
